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Strengthening Communities

    From education and health, to housing and a community garden,
    Ko Te Tuara Totara O Fordlands has been growing their services
    with the aim of becoming a one-stop shop that caters to the
    needs of the Fordlands community.
    A $40,000 grant from Rotorua Trust went towards the
    organisation’s operating costs and wages, meaning core staff
    could focus on developing new services to help reduce the
    effects of poverty in the community.

    “There are so many issues stemming from poverty and
    many of our children are suffering, so the real driver for
    us is creating a safe community our children can thrive in
    and making a difference in people’s lives. The support from
    Rotorua Trust has allowed us to grow our services so we can
    become a one-stop-shop for our families in need.”

    Ana Philips, Fordlands Community Centre Manager