Trustees have spent considerable time developing a clear strategic direction and defining the areas where we believe we can make the biggest impact in order to achieve a better Rotorua for all.
As part of our strategy, we’ve enhanced our efforts in the area of facilitation and advice, while focusing on the following five priority targets, where we think the Trust has a more active role to play:
priority areas

Healthy Families
Whānau Ora
We believe:
- Every person has a right to a safe and warm home
- When our tamariki thrive, our communities thrive
- When our people are empowered to take responsibility, their health and well-being improves
We support those that will:
- Work collaboratively with others and are community led
- Create opportunities for our community to have improved equity and well-being
- Encourage self-responsibility and learning

Taiao Ora
We believe in:
- Protecting and enhancing our taonga of lakes, rivers, flora and fauna
- Incorporating a Te Ao / Mātauranga Māori approach
- A flourishing environment for every generation
We support those that will:
- Recognise Mātauranga Māori and its value
- Work towards our environment being protected, renewed and restored, following a collaborative approach

Ako Ora
We believe:
- Tamariki attending school / kura regularly are ready to participate and learn
- Rangatahi with a plan towards training and employment stay engaged
We support those that will:
- Collectively provide opportunities for our tamariki and rangatahi to thrive
- Ensure the youth voice is heard

Strengthening communities
Hapori Ora
We believe in:
- Building participation and belonging creates safe and strong communities
- Embracing diversity and inclusion
We support those that will:
- Provide support services to those in greatest need
- Promote a sense of belonging and resilience
- Embrace community led initiatives

Wairua Ora
We believe in:
- Supporting positive events and activities improving our community pride and well-being
We support those that will:
- Increase community pride and social cohesion
- Develop creativity and capability
- Provide access and participation opportunities