Over the past year, Rotorua has been a busy area for BabyStart, a charity providing comprehensive care packages at no cost to New Zealand babies in challenging circumstances.
BabyStart was inspired by Finland’s famous baby box, giving expectant parents a cardboard box full of items to make their early months easier and more comfortable. Since 2018, 129 babies have been reached in Rotorua, and since BabyStart’s fruition in 2015, over 2,000 boxes have helped New Zealand whānau.
The box contains clothes, baby care products, a toy, and a book. Anyone in New Zealand can buy a box, with each one sold providing an identical one for a baby in need. BabyStart sells boxes and has more information on their Kaupapa on their website.
Rotorua Trust is one, amongst other funders supporting BabyStart. A Rotorua Trust grant to boost the services of BabyStart in Rotorua will enable the charity to reach another 20 whānau who could do with extra help.