The Rotorua Young Achievers Awards ceremony was held on Tuesday, 25 October. Every year, the awards night brings together young achievers, their whanau and schools
Rotorua Young Achievers acknowledges young students through a photographic exhibition. The photographic exhibition of young achievers is now on display at Pak N Save Rotorua.
Over the past 32 years of Rotorua Young Achievers, there have been almost 1,500 students acknowledged. Alayna Powley, Young Achiever of 2011, has provided the soundtrack to this year’s video and spoke at the awards ceremony.
Thank you to Lee-Anne Thompson and Andrew Warner Photography for coordinating the young achievers.
2022 Rotorua Young Achievers
Kairau Armstrong
Kingi Aupouri
Mathieu Boynton-Rata
Roimata Brown
Gemma Brunt
Bryanna Cassidy
Carys Chapman-Vari
Veronica Chen
Rebecca Collins
Kahurangi Dewes-Green
Rohm Dixon
Mihiora Gage
Samuel Gifford
Agustina Gonzales-Diaz
Ciara Griffiths
Koby Grimes
Jasmine Hagan
Alexa Harvey
Koan Hemana
Hineawa Hohepa-Gardiner
Maia Hulton-Harrison
Tyra Hulton-Harrison
Hunter Jenkins
Joohyun Kang
Fiona Lambdin
Anahera Mear
Brooke Mitchell
Amiorangi Mohi
Carly Ohia
Sam Patangan
Pania Paul
Courtney Rawlings
Damian Robertson
Sofia Rossi-Baker
Cristobal Sanzana Zeal
Meleki Schuster
Blue Simpkins-Jones
Hemi Smith
Lawrence Smith
Elyanna Tubulla
Pipi Uhl, Taumanu Walker
Alyssa Webster
Paretoroa Webster-Tarei
Alana Wilkinson
Nadea Yee
Rotorua Young Achievers
Awards Ceremony

Photos: Andrew Warner Photography