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$10 million funding commitment towards Rotorua Museum restoration

    Rotorua Trust has agreed to commit $10 million towards the rebuild of the Rotorua Museum, with Trustees unanimously agreeing that the rebuilding and reopening of theMuseum is a key priority for the Rotorua community at this time.

     “The Museum/Bath House is seen as a symbol of our community and it is imperative that the facility be open again as soon as possible,” says Rotorua Trust chairman Stewart Edward.

    The detail around the structure and timing of the contribution will be worked out with the Council but Rotorua Trust understands making this commitment will enable Rotorua Lakes Council, which has allocated $15million to the project through its latest LTP, to help unlock further funding opportunities with Central Government to complete the project.

    “This is an iconic building for both our community and the thousands of visitors who choose New Zealand and Rotorua as a destination. We acknowledge the cultural significance of the site to Te Arawa  and the historical and economic impact of the building to our community.”

    The Trust has a strong relationship with the Museum – granting $4.7 million towards the building’s extension in 2009. It also owns a substantial art collection which is usually on display there.

    In supporting the Council’s approach to Government, Trustees have been diligent to ensure that the Trust’s regular community funding remains available for distribution.

    “Ahead of making the decision to support the museum, we worked alongside the Trust’s investment partners considering various funding scenarios. Trustees are very aware that we need to make sure there will still be funds available to help the wide variety of Rotorua organisations that look to the Trust for support each year.

    “These grants help organisations, big and small, to achieve our kaupapa of making a better Rotorua for all. We are happy to say they won’t be affected by any contribution we make to the museum”.

    Rotorua Mayor Steve Chadwick says Rotorua Trust’s commitment is “fantastic news” and highlights the importance of the museum to the local community.

    “Reinstating and reopening our museum is an absolute priority for Council, as it is for our community. It features as a key project in Council’s long-term plan and this very generous $10 million contribution will provide us with the impetus we need to attract further external funding from Central Government.

    “All the design and planning is nearing completion and we are busy pursuing all funding opportunities.

    “On behalf of Council and the community I’d like to thank Rotorua Trust for its generosity – the trust is a very important supporter of Rotorua and we acknowledge its substantial contribution to our community over many years.”